


May I help you?

1964年生まれ。多摩美術大学卒業後、デザイン会社を経て(株)サザビーで「Afternoon Tea」などの商品開発を手がけ、現在はイラストレーターとして書籍、雑誌、広告、カレンダー、TVなどで活躍。旅のスケッチとエッセイも執筆し、各所で水彩講座を開講。ユニセフカードはじめポストカードも多数。1990年初個展。1997年以降は毎年個展を開催。
  • a shinery winter day

    a shinery winter day

  • Over the Rainbow

    Over the Rainbow

  • On a fine day go on a pinnic!

    On a fine day go on a pinnic!

  • tea party of Sakura

    tea party of Sakura

  • in spring have a sleep

    in spring have a sleep

  • Picnic feeling on a fine day

    Picnic feeling on a fine day

  • The tea party of the March cat

    The tea party of the March cat

  • Waiting for...

    Waiting for...

  • Guards of the RoseVilla

    Guards of the RoseVilla

  • Spring has come!

    Spring has come!

  • Thank you Mom!

    Thank you Mom!

  • Spring full bloom

    Spring full bloom

  • Temptation of chocolate.

    Temptation of chocolate.

  • Brunch on the terrace with homie

    Brunch on the terrace with homie

  • in the garden of cherry trees

    in the garden of cherry trees

  • The morning after the rain

    The morning after the rain

  • Who grow roses

    Who grow roses

  • Paradise where it take a nap

    Paradise where it take a nap

  • WWhen I look at you

    WWhen I look at you

  • for the viewing the moon, I waited...

    for the viewing the moon, I waited...

