


Sweet life

1964年生まれ。多摩美術大学卒業後、デザイン会社を経て(株)サザビーで「Afternoon Tea」などの商品開発を手がけ、現在はイラストレーターとして書籍、雑誌、広告、カレンダー、TVなどで活躍。旅のスケッチとエッセイも執筆し、各所で水彩講座を開講。ユニセフカードはじめポストカードも多数。1990年初個展。1997年以降は毎年個展を開催。
  • Do you end the examination one?

    Do you end the examination one?

  • In the house of summer

    In the house of summer

  • Is two a friend?

    Is two a friend?

  • WWhen I look at you

    WWhen I look at you

  • in the corner of kitchen

    in the corner of kitchen

  • What dream do you see?

    What dream do you see?

  • Heartful day's

    Heartful day's

  • You are my friend.

    You are my friend.

  • We cannot wait for Christmas

    We cannot wait for Christmas

  • Sweets time in autumn

    Sweets time in autumn

  • The seabreeze is plesant!

    The seabreeze is plesant!

  • To whom shall we write a letter.

    To whom shall we write a letter.

  • Good morning Daddy!

    Good morning Daddy!

  • Rest for a moment

    Rest for a moment

  • The first spring blossom.

    The first spring blossom.

  • For whom do you make it?

    For whom do you make it?

  • The cat rounds by...

    The cat rounds by...

  • where you able to prepare it?

    where you able to prepare it?

  • Rest for a moment

    Rest for a moment

  • The Harnest moon

    The Harnest moon

